🎁There’s still a month left until the New Year, but Webvork is giving your New Year’s gifts now!
We’re raising payout rates for all our publishers on a number of offers. Now, payouts start at €40 per lead!
Germany – starts at €41
Austria – starts at €43
Switzerland – starts at €44
Italy – starts at €42
Germany – starts at €41
Austria – starts at €40
Switzerland – starts at €42
Italy – starts at €41
Italy – starts at €42
Germany – starts at €39
Austria – starts at €41
Switzerland – starts at €43
✨Artrolux+ Cream
Switzerland – starts at €42
Germany – starts at €40
Austria – starts at €40
We also increase bonus points for these offers by 2 times for the duration of the promotion! You can exchange these points for prizes at our WebvorkShop store 🔥
The promotion will last from December 1 to December 31, 2023. New payouts have already been updated in your accounts! 😉